Thursday, January 5, 2017

Skip the Resolutions!

Fit Facts
Skip the New Year’s Resolution!

So are you one of the millions of Americans that will make the New Year’s resolution to lose weight or get fit? If you are, don’t waste your time. That’s right, I said it. Skip the New Year’s resolution. More than half of the resolutions made by Americans are to lose weight or get in shape. In fact, it is the number one resolution made. Sadly, various studies show that only about 17% of those are a success.
You should not embark on the journey of living a healthier lifestyle because it is a New Year’s resolution. You should commit to it because YOU deserve it and it’s how you will feel the best. If you truly want to be successful in your quest to be healthier you must make a commitment based on deep seated personal reasons, not because getting fit is some January fad. Your motivation must ne intrinsic.
To start, you need to realize that your road to a healthier lifestyle does not have to wait until January 1st to start. It starts right now, today, and it starts with that first step. Make that decision to take back control of your life.
One of the three D’s in 3D Fitness is Decisions. Every decision we make either takes us towards or away from our goals.  One of the main reasons people fail at their resolutions is because they are not clear on their goals. They say they want to “lose weight” or “get in shape”. What does that mean?  In order to know if you reached your goal, the goal must be measurable. So decide what getting in shape means to you. Does it mean dropping 30 lbs. or 4 pants sizes? Does it mean being able to run up the stairs or after the kids without being winded? Those goals are both measurable and obtainable. Do some self-reflecting and determine what a healthier life actually looks like to you. Be specific, but realistic. You will not lose 60 lbs. in a month, at least not in a healthy way.
Next set a plan to accomplish your goals. Every goal that is accomplished is done so by completing smaller objectives. So your plan, or objectives should look something like, “I am going to exercise four times a week” and “I am going to eat smaller portions”. Then schedule your workouts. If you plan them and pencil them into your schedule, you are making them a priority and more likely to stick with them. I can assure you that if you just try to squeeze your workouts in when you have time, chances are you will not do them. If you need help figuring out how to accomplish your goals hit me up or check with a local personal trainer in your area.
Now that you have your plan in place to reach your goal(s), set a time frame. Thirty days is a good place to start. Now granted, you may have to make smaller goals to reach the big goal. So if you wanted to lose 30 lbs., aim for 10 lbs. the first thirty days and repeat until you reach your big goal. Just remember if you fall off the wagon, don’t get run over. Meaning, you will have bad days, you will slip and fall, but don't let it ruin you. Get up, dust yourself off, and move forward towards your goal. No looking back, no guilt! Just never use it as an excuse to give up.
The key to being successful long term and keeping off the weight is to make changes to your physical activity and eating that you can live with. Depriving yourself of everything you love to eat is not maintainable. You will eventually binge and fail. Just start with cutting back, making smaller adjustments along the way. That's why “diets” never work. You can only starve yourself for so long.
So to wrap this up, lets review. Forget about January 1st and New Year’s resolutions. Start now by taking back control of your life. Look deep inside you to determine what your goals are and set goals that are measurable and obtainable. Develop a plan with the objectives needed to accomplish your goals, and finally set a timetable. This helps with measuring your goals as well as holding you accountable. Now all you have to do is make it a priority. Remember, YOU deserve this and YOU are worth it!

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