Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Stardate 1411.18 Introductory Procedures

I would say I apologize for the blog's pun title, but I don't! This is MY blog and if you don't like it please press the little black arrow at the top left of your screen or the even littler "x" on the right corner of this tab.

If you don't even begin to get what I am talking about with the title, then you either didn't grow up with my generation and/or never watched an episode of Start Trek.  With my new job change and accepting a Captain's position with the Fire Department at the Volkswagen plant in Chattanooga I could not resist the name for the blog.

Due to the tremendous support and many fans I gained writing "Fit Facts" for the Venue Magazine, I decided to find another avenue to express myself through writing.  This blog will more than likely not be a fitness column, but more along the lines of the rantings and ravings of a bald lunatic! However, if along the way you do have questions or issues you want addressed,  leave a comment and I will do my best.

Initially it is my intentions to document the next few weeks as we prepare and head out on our move across country. Before you ask, I have no earthly idea how often this blog will be updated. Probably just a few times up until the move. That is simply because my list of things to do is growing faster than the number of domestic violence cases in the NFL. Once on the road, my intentions are to update nightly. But you know what they say about hell. It is full of people with good intentions!

So now that all that is out of the way, here is where we are today....PACKING! We placed our house on the market last Monday before I got the official offer. It was a step of faith as we were trusting that the Lord was directing us down this path to Tennessee all along. Shortly thereafter I received the offer and began negotiations which lasted a few short days. Prior to this we had begun purging the house and gathering boxes and organizing for the move. Again we were certain God was taking us home.

Since we are finishing out the month at our current jobs, I am at work at the airport today. I have honestly never been happier to be here, just so I could rest! I spent the entire weekend packing the garage and going through crap, and throwing away crap, and organizing crap. I honestly think I could be a professional crap collector. For you guys out there, you know what I mean. All that "stuff" we keep because we may need it one day, forty-two years from now. The one thing I can promise you is that you will never need it until a week after you throw it away. It does not matter if you keep it for a month, a year or a decade. Your need for that very specific and unique piece of crap will  not arise until after you tossed it.

Anyway, back to packing. While I have been working on the garage, the wife has been hard at work inside. Let me just say that we both genuinely hate packing, but are thankful this is the move we have been waiting for. The one that brings us home. Oh yeah, where was I? Packing! See, I even hate writing about it. Hailey's room is proving to be the current biggest challenge. The child has way too many toys, and stuffed animals, and too much crap. Apparently I am not the only crap collector in the house. In an effort to stay married, I will not mention any of my wife's crap. Not that she would even have any.

Hailey however has enough for us all. Not only will you find toys, and other such childlike things in her room, you may also find a variety of other things...many different and odd things. Maybe a rock, or a petrified grasshopper that was starved to death in her homemade shoebox wildlife habitat, or a crumpled note, a drawing of Jesus on the cross at Calvary, or one of many random unidentifiable shiny objects. The problem being that she is not only a crap collector but a hoarder and doesn't wish to get rid of any of it. Thankfully mommy stepped in to make command decisions. I mean really, we could open a dang Toy's B Us that specializes in Crappy Meal Toy's! Right beside that would be our Stuffed animal zoo, with a larger variety of animals than the San Francisco Zoo.

Moving along, the packing & purging continues. I continue to grab boxes (yes sometimes from dumpsters) and we continue to fill them. My to-do list continues to grow exponentially as I mark off one item only to add thirty-three more. As the process continues we are trying only to grow together as a family and not rip anyone's head off in the process. While we are not worried about the move, the stress of the actual move and rapidly approaching "move date" is increasing. Tempers are rising, fuses are shortening, and sleep is diminishing. Mainly we are trying to maintain our sanity while trying to ensure we are thoroughly communicating through the chaos. Ahhh the joys of moving....


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