Saturday, December 6, 2014

Farewell Moses Lake - Day Two of Travel

     Yep! You can guess why there was no Day One of travel on the blog. We barely survived it. Ha! No actually it wasn't that bad, just a long, long day! Before we could hit the road yesterday morning we had to go back to the house and do a final cleaning, wipe down, vacuum, spot scrub, throw out the trash and every damn thing else we didn't have time to do on Thursday. I tried to "forget" the dogs, but that didn't work...

     First of all I want to start with my farewell. In the last 5 years we have been blessed to meet some truly amazing people. God has put some wonderful people in our lives and they ALL helped us grow in their own way. Some from their pure heart and overwhelming desire to serve God, and, well, let's just say others helped us by showing us what not to do! But such is life...

     It has been a very emotionally draining past couple of weeks. The reality of the move crept in, actually it jumped Slam, Damn, in. I swear it seemed like we were 2 weeks out from the move for a month, and then BAMMM! All of a sudden we were at T-minus 2 days and counting. So along with making the mad dash of  final packing/loading we shared many tear filled good byes. Again we were so blessed to share so many farewell meals with our friends. We have cried more in the last 2 weeks than we did when we first rolled into town and saw Moses Lake for the first time. Sorry to those of you we missed.There just simply was not enough time.

     As many bad jokes as there are about Moses "Hole" and how there's no reason to go there, I can say this. My family and I are better people for having lived there. The relationships we built and friendships we made will last us a life time. We got to meet and work with some amazing folks. SO MANY people showed us, NOT told us how to live a Godly life, and for that we will be forever grateful. In our time here both my daughters and I were baptized, and my wife dedicated her life to the Lord. The spiritual growth I have witnessed in my house makes me a very happy man.

     Moving all the way out here, 3000 miles from home, was the best thing that ever happened to us. Being newly married it allowed us to focus on us. We had to learn to depend on each other, because we had no one else. There was no running to momma's house because one of was mad. We had no where to go, so we had to stick it out and work it out. With me just home from Iraq, we had to learn how to exist together. Hell for that matter I had to learn just how to exist in civilian life without things going BOOM! But most importantly, we got to learn who "WE" were and how to be "US" without the best intentions of nosy family members putting their two cents in.

     So to ALL our friends, family, and acquaintances, we leave behind in Moses Lake, we bid you farewell. Thank you all for your input in our lives no matter how big or small. May you each find God's presence in your life every day!

     Now onto the travel... So far we have survived and no one has killed anybody! So that is a win in itself.  It has been a pretty good first two days. Thankfully the weather, although a little rainy and foggy at times, has remained above freezing. and that is a GOOD thing!!! The rain and clouds parted late this morning and we had beautiful sun shiny skies for most of today. No chance of meatballs here.

     As I currently type this, Grizz is passed out on the bed beside me, while Shelby walks around still exploring the hotel room and barking at apparently nothing. The girls on the other hand are down enjoying the indoor pool. Daddy got dog sitting duty and that's okay. Hailey has done extremely well on the trip and deserves a dip in the chlorine bath.

     Everyone has done pretty well so far. Sure we have all been over tired, (well not me. supposedly someone was snoring and kept my wife up the first night) and a little stressed so there has been some minor irritation, but no talk of murder, divorce or abandonment. Okay, so I take that back. I have seen a few cornfields and canyons where I would like to have "forgotten" a dog or two, but then we would have to bring up the other word, divorce. SO alas, the dogs are still with us. This is our very first time traveling with dogs, and well it just adds to this wonderful adventure! Absolutely NO sarcasm there!

     So, traveling with dogs...Did I mention that I wanted to leave them somewhere? In case I didn't mention I'd like to leave them somewhere, I'd like to leave them somewhere, especially spaz-O-matic Grizz. Holy Sheep Shit Batman, he is high strung and nervous. If he were to "accidentally" get lost in some cornfield in Nebraska, I would really, truly, hate it. Then again I don't know if I can wait that long. That's still several days out. Now I understand how Clark Griswald "forgot" that he tied the dog to the bumper. Genius idea! Seriously they are both doing pretty good. They just naturally have plenty of pent up energy when we hit the hotel after being in their crates in the jeep all day. Shelby did puke in her crate twice, but she ate it so there was no mess to clean up. Yes you read that right. And Grizz, oh Grizz, he has peed in the hotel floor more times than I can count already, along with pissing the bed. Sorry hotel staff we had a bed wetter. What can I say he has a very very nervous bladder. So right now I ask that you stop reading this and say a prayer for us all to have patience.

      On our first day we made it to Boise, ID then pushed down to near Salt Lake City today. What a beautiful drive! I know where we are moving to in Chattanooga has been called God's country, but let me just say that God's country is scattered all over this giant globe. He has blessed us with so many breathtaking landscapes with beauty that escapes the imagination. Just outside our window now are jagged mountain peaks that look like their tips have been drizzled in marshmallow and covered in pine sprinkles.

     We spent the majority of our day driving across southern Idaho. Beautiful mountains, rolling hills and rugged canyons. We also saw lots and lots and lots of steak farms. So now I know where they grow steaks. For a while I thought we made a wrong turn and ended up in Montana. We also saw a real, live cattle drive. That is opposed to a fake dead one. There were cowboys on horses and they even had one of them there little cattle dogs.

     I will say that southern Idaho is not wild animal friendly. In fact, If you are a wild animal reading this I would suggest you never go there. Or if you do, stay away from the highway! I have seen enough roadkill today to feed the entire state of Delaware. Or better yet the state of Idaho. They really have no excuse for not feeding the homeless, needy and or school kids.

     So now we just finished feeding our faces some delicious pot roast. Hip Hip Hurray for NO fast food. Now it's time to get these doggies fed and take them out, AGAIN! Tomorrow we are off to Cheyenne Wyoming!

For now the Ormond's are signing out somewhere in Utah!

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